Netflix dating reality show "Single's Inferno 3" contestant Cho Min Ji is under fire for her cringey behaviour on the popular series. She was called out for her disrespectful actions on a helicopter ride — she tried to get the attention of her crush Lee Kwan Hee while she was on a date with another male contestant Park Min Kyu.
(综合讯)Netflix韩国恋爱实境秀“Single's Inferno 3”出演者因“绿茶”行为被骂翻!
节目中途加入的女出演者曹旻志(Cho Min Ji),因输掉了比赛,没能成功和喜欢的李官熙(Lee Kwan-hee)配对一起到天堂岛,只好选了其他男嘉宾。
节目播出后,不少人认为曹旻志的举动对配对的男伴朴民奎(Park Min Kyu)以及李官熙的女伴崔慧善(Choi Hye Seon)都很没礼貌,而且不尊重。不满的网民涌入曹旻志的IG留言批评,直言“原本很喜欢你,但你的举动很倒胃口”,以及“希望你最后自己回家”等狠话。曹旻志似乎受不了负评,目前已经将留言功能关闭。